Hi, ArianneArianne Green herehere
"Boss Ass Bitch"
For the past 25 years, the 8,000+ hours Ari has been teaching yoga were spent either in handstand, plank, downdog, headstand, arm balances or burpees. Ari has been the captain of the Varsity Vinyasa Team and CEO of the Badass Babes Club since 2008. 😉 Even though she grows older, her practice never does. Those who continue to practice with her, grow stronger and stronger. From the students who have been practicing with her for over 15 years, to the brand new first timer, everyone in her class feels encouraged to be their best selves, both on and off the mat. All of her classes are innovative, fun-spirited, challenging, inspiring and unique.
December 2020
First place, honorable award
August 2020
National Design Award
June 2020
Branding of the year
December 2019